Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What a difference 25 years makes

I have NOT forgotten that I promised more chapters in my story of Honey Boo Boo and our cruise.  I have lots of stuff to tell you about her floatings in Belize.

I wanted to pause a moment and reflect on what 25 years with the same awesome guy--the Hubs--has wrought in my life.  Over the past 25 years, the Hubs and I have together:

Lived in four cities, three apartments, two townhomes, and three houses.

Driven seven cars.

Had five surgeries (all mine, but the Hubs had to deal with the recovery).

Owned two pools.

Taken approximately 20 vacations.

Had one pet.

Gained and lost countless amounts of weight.

Had one brush with death.

Owned two lawnmowers (sore subject for the Hubs).

Learned how to scuba dive and probably used 80 tanks of air.

Joined one church and visited many.

Held seven jobs.

Hired two real estate agents.

Lost four grandmothers, one grandfather, one aunt, and three uncles.

Gained two nieces and a sister-in-law (not in that order).

Graduated from pina coladas with a nice dinner to wine.

Earned two, post-graduate degrees (a masters and a doctorate).

Had four wedding rings.

Been estranged from two family members.

Cried (mostly me) and been loved through it (mostly by the Hubs)

Laughed at least once every day.

Purged and donated enough clothes, furniture, and housing goods to possibly provide for an entire, small country.


Started saving our money.

Got movie channels on our TV.

Sold a car to pay rent (thanks Mom and Dad for letting us keep the money from selling the car even though you bought it for me before I was married).

Gone to make dinner, seen one box of macaroni and cheese in the pantry, and knew we were out of money to buy anything else.

Owned nine TVs.

Started with huge cell phones, got down to tiny cell phones (some even had a retractable antenna), and then back to big cell phones.

Accidentally threw away my mother's wedding ring (OK that was just me, no Hubs, but I still feel awful).

Can quote the majority of "Fletch," "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles," "Coming to America," and "Christmas Vacation" from memory.

Had two beautiful daughters.

Cleaned poo from many surfaces (related to previous entry).

Learned how to fold a fitted sheet.

Learned lice hate tea tree oil.

Been each other's greatest fan.

Had two pediatricians (see daughter and poo entry).

Traveled by plane (all sizes), train, car, shuttle, subway, cable car, bus, limo, moped, and boat.

Suffered through food poisoning together (thankfully that townhome had two bathrooms).

Killed two aloe vera plants.

Made 25 (mostly unsuccessful) New Years' resolutions.

Expanded our food horizons.

Sat through countless games, recitals, programs, musicals, performances to watch our daughters.

Gone to the national championship football game (thanks Keith and Heather Behrens).

Saw Chris Webber's "time out" in the national championship BB game.

Saw the first Cowboys game at the "new" Cowboys stadium (thanks David and Carolyn Hennessee)

Saw baseball games at Yankee Stadium and Wrigley Field.

Seen three Broadway shows on actual Broadway.

Fell in love with Chicago.

Had two wedding ceremonies (one 25 years ago in Dallas and one 15 years ago in Vegas, which could be another blog entry all on its own).

Even with all of this, there is so much more I want to do with the Hubs.  Europe, grandkids, a tricked out back yard, more laughter (he's one of the funniest people I know), more diving, more movies, more parties, more wine, fewer "have tos" and more "want tos."  This is gonna be good.

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